
Thursday, October 2, 2008

Time for an Update!

Happy October! Here are a few quick updates to share with you:

First of all, we have an upcoming meeting on Tuesday October 7th, 8:30 a.m. at the school. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend! There should be an agenda posted at the school and on the blog by Monday.

It’s Wreath & Poinsettia sale time again. We are looking for volunteers to assemble sale packets later this week, to help with business sales in the coming few weeks, and to assist with truck unloading and delivery the first week of December. If you can help in any way, please contact Katie Alvin at 581-3470 or

CONSIDER THE POWER OF AN HOUR... Thanks to everyone who filled out a volunteer form at Back to School Night. If every parent gave just one hour this school year, imagine what we could do for our students and our school! If you haven’t filled out an OSC volunteer form, one is conveniently located in the list just to the right. Or you’ll find one attached to the upcoming Monday Moments. If you pledge an hour to OSC, we’ll pledge not to ask for any more. Simply fill out the form and return to the school at your convenience. Thanks in advance for all you do as individuals to make OSC work!

Special Plea: So far, this year’s OSC board consists of parents of children in the primary grades only. We are also mostly new OSC volunteers. We are happy to serve on the board, but are really hoping we’ll get involvement from parents of older students and especially parents that have helped out with OSC before. We need diversity and experience!!! Considering that OSC funds such cherished programs as downhill skiing, Expedition Yellowstone, the holiday program, the spring play and more, it is crucial that we all join together to make OSC as successful as possible. Again, consider the power of an hour and help us newbies help you, your kids, and our school. If you can’t make it to the meetings, that’s fine. Just drop me a line and/or fill out the volunteer form. We really appreciate it!

As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact any of us.

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