
Monday, December 1, 2008

Pie Auction Time!

If you can help with this year's pie auction, please let us know ASAP. We need helpers in the following areas (number of people needed in parentheses):

We need:
(1) Program writer with word processing skills
(1) Banner/poster coordinator (we can round up an ad hoc team of hanger-uppers before the event)
(1) Children’s Art Auction coordinator; needs to be at event
(2) Pie registrars; need to be at the event
(2) Two Silent Auction coordinators, at least one with basic word processing skills; one needs to be at event
(2-4) Additional Silent Auction solicitors
(1) Live Auction coordinator with word processing skills; needs to be at event
(2-4) Additional Live Auction solicitors
(3) Three people to staff cashier’s table
(1) Venue coordinator (coordinate with resort staff, handle decorating, and arrange post-event clean-up)
(4-8) Venue decoration/setup and cleanup volunteers
(1) Raffle coordinator with word processing skills; needs to be at event
(1-2) Additional raffle solicitors
(3-4) Volunteers to staff the raffle sales table at the event
(4) Thank you note writers

If any of these tasks tickle your fancy, please send an email to Katie Alvin (address at right). Thanks as always to our terrific parents!

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