
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Welcome to the 2010-11 School Year!

Thank you to our new board members and welcome all Ophir parents to the new school year. Here are some FAQs about the OSC/PTO

What is OSC?
The Ophir School Council is the Ophir/LPHS equivalent of a PTO or PTA. It is an independent nonprofit whose members include anyone who is the parent or guardian of a student at Ophir or Lone Peak High. That means you! OSC works with the school but is a separate entity from the school.

What does OSC do?
OSC raises money that is allocated to teachers, staff, and students to enhance and enrich what our school has to offer. OSC provides direct funding to teachers for purchases for their classroom, pays for specialized activities like XC and downhill skiing and swimming, funds field trips, supports the expeditions that differentiate our school from others, funds library programs, helps bring visiting artists and musicians and actors to the school, funds transportation, supports the Booster Club and more. It’s awful to imagine what the school would be like without OSC funds!

What do volunteers do?
Volunteers help in many ways: they volunteer in classrooms, help with fundraising campaigns, communicate with teachers and parents, set up at events, help allocate funds to the school, and basically pitch in to make sure that OSC can raise money and then give it away. There will be sign-up sheets at the school during back-to-school night and the morning of the first day. You can take a look at those sheets and talk to OSC members about how you might be able to help out throughout the year...and hopefully sign up!

Many hands make light work...
We need you!!! OSC is run ENTIRELY by volunteers and if you haven’t already, please consider volunteering this year. It is impossible to know how much OSC contributes to our children’s educational experience until you get in on the action. And if we all do a little here and there, the results are so satisfying! Just look at our awesome schools and you can see that!

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