
Monday, December 1, 2008

Pie Auction Time!

If you can help with this year's pie auction, please let us know ASAP. We need helpers in the following areas (number of people needed in parentheses):

We need:
(1) Program writer with word processing skills
(1) Banner/poster coordinator (we can round up an ad hoc team of hanger-uppers before the event)
(1) Children’s Art Auction coordinator; needs to be at event
(2) Pie registrars; need to be at the event
(2) Two Silent Auction coordinators, at least one with basic word processing skills; one needs to be at event
(2-4) Additional Silent Auction solicitors
(1) Live Auction coordinator with word processing skills; needs to be at event
(2-4) Additional Live Auction solicitors
(3) Three people to staff cashier’s table
(1) Venue coordinator (coordinate with resort staff, handle decorating, and arrange post-event clean-up)
(4-8) Venue decoration/setup and cleanup volunteers
(1) Raffle coordinator with word processing skills; needs to be at event
(1-2) Additional raffle solicitors
(3-4) Volunteers to staff the raffle sales table at the event
(4) Thank you note writers

If any of these tasks tickle your fancy, please send an email to Katie Alvin (address at right). Thanks as always to our terrific parents!

Wreath & Poinsettia Sale a Huge Success

While we didn't quite make $15,000 we were able to make just over $14,000--topping the sales of all previous years. Way to go everyone! Thanks to all our volunteers and to everyone who purchased greenery and flowers this year.

Friday, October 10, 2008

We Need You!

Wreath & Poinsettia Fundraiser
GOAL: $15,000
(Approximately the cost of both the downhill and the XC skiing programs)

WE NEED 4 OR 5 MORE PEOPLE to each visit a small batch of businesses to drop off order forms, and also to follow up after to collect orders. Order forms should be dropped off sometime around Oct. 21-23 and picked up sometime around Nov. 4-6. We are assembling materials in the coming week and will get you everything you need.

WE NEED 3 or 4 MORE PEOPLE to help with delivery of products to businesses on Dec. 3-4.

About 15 people are already helping. Please contact Katie (email at right) ASAP to add your name to the list to help with this important fundraiser!
Ophir’s kids thank you!!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Time for an Update!

Happy October! Here are a few quick updates to share with you:

First of all, we have an upcoming meeting on Tuesday October 7th, 8:30 a.m. at the school. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend! There should be an agenda posted at the school and on the blog by Monday.

It’s Wreath & Poinsettia sale time again. We are looking for volunteers to assemble sale packets later this week, to help with business sales in the coming few weeks, and to assist with truck unloading and delivery the first week of December. If you can help in any way, please contact Katie Alvin at 581-3470 or

CONSIDER THE POWER OF AN HOUR... Thanks to everyone who filled out a volunteer form at Back to School Night. If every parent gave just one hour this school year, imagine what we could do for our students and our school! If you haven’t filled out an OSC volunteer form, one is conveniently located in the list just to the right. Or you’ll find one attached to the upcoming Monday Moments. If you pledge an hour to OSC, we’ll pledge not to ask for any more. Simply fill out the form and return to the school at your convenience. Thanks in advance for all you do as individuals to make OSC work!

Special Plea: So far, this year’s OSC board consists of parents of children in the primary grades only. We are also mostly new OSC volunteers. We are happy to serve on the board, but are really hoping we’ll get involvement from parents of older students and especially parents that have helped out with OSC before. We need diversity and experience!!! Considering that OSC funds such cherished programs as downhill skiing, Expedition Yellowstone, the holiday program, the spring play and more, it is crucial that we all join together to make OSC as successful as possible. Again, consider the power of an hour and help us newbies help you, your kids, and our school. If you can’t make it to the meetings, that’s fine. Just drop me a line and/or fill out the volunteer form. We really appreciate it!

As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact any of us.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

About the OSC

On behalf of the Ophir School Council (OSC) I want to welcome you back to school and take a minute to introduce you to YOUR organization. Here are some commonly asked questions with some hopefully useful answers:

What is the OSC? The OSC is Ophir School's local version of a parent-teacher organization. However, there are no national association affiliations, no dues, and no membership requirements. Quite simply, if you are a mom, dad, or guardian of a child at Ophir School, then you are a member of the OSC. Your participation is voluntary--and welcomed!

What does the OSC do?
  1. We work to provide resources to children and school staff to enrich the educational experience at Ophir School. We do this by raising funds and meeting regularly to allocate those funds. OSC funding expands PE by getting our kids swimming, downhill skiing, and XC skiing too. OSC allows classes to go to Expedition Yellowstone, Washington D.C., Future Problem Solving, and many other field trips and expeditions. OSC brings artists, writers and musicians into the school, and provides band instruments, art supplies, special curriculum programs and more to the classroom. And this is only the icing on the cake. OSC provides thousands of dollars to Ophir teachers through individual requests, allowing them to make the most of their classrooms for our kids.
  2. We provide fun activities that give students, families, and teachers a chance to get to know one another and build relationships. For instance, we hosted the Back-to-School breakfast on the first day of school, creating time for parents to catch up with one another after a busy summer or to welcome new families to the community. Throughout the year we'll have potluck dinners, ice cream socials, and other fun opportunities to get together.
  3. We provide time for school staff and parents to communicate. At monthly meetings, Ophir administrators and teacher representatives are present to talk to parents about what is going on at the school and to look for opporunities to partner up and make great things happen for our kids.
How do I get involved? The OSC is your organization and you can be involved as much or as little as you want. There are as many ways for you to participate as there are personalities out there. Whether you simply show up once to help make copies or read a book to a child, or you chair an entire fundraising event, your time is valuable and appreciated.

We'll have sign-up sheets in a variety of places during the school year so that you can let us know what your skills are and how you might be able to help. I hope you will take a minute to fill one out. And just because we haven't thought of it yet doesn't mean we can't do it. New ideas are encouraged. And for that matter, we'll give old ideas another shot too!

If you have any questions or ideas, please don't hesitate to contact one of your OSC officers. Have a great year!